Usage: This maintenance list can be defined to organize taxes on different types of products. This is optional to use and is not required. The Tax Classes that are defined in this maintenance list must match the configuration that is set on the Vertex account. Additionally, the tax classes defined in this maintenance list will be the list available to users on the Product Taxes configuration.
Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Accounting > Tax Integration > Online Tax Service Provider - Vertex > Tax Classes
Tax Classes Maintenance form
1.Click 2.Select Tax Class from the dropdown list. 3.Enter Class Value. 4.Click |
1.Select the record you want to update by clicking on it. 2.Click 3.Make necessary updates. 4.Click |
1.Select the record you want to delete by clicking on it. 2.Click 3.Select YES when prompted for confirmation. Note: Record will be deleted from the database, but you can add it back at any time. |
See also: