Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Send ePop Message

Send ePop Message

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Send ePop Message

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This option allows the user that is logged on to be able to send ePop messages to different users.  


Navigation: Tools > Send ePop Message                

V12 - Send ePop Message - navigation

Send ePop Message navigation


1.To send an ePop message click on Send ePop Message in Tools menu

2.You can send the message to:

User - Select the user from the list

Group - Select the Group from the available list

Technician - You may send the message to All Technicians or select a Technician from the list

Driver - You may send the message to All Drivers or you can select one Driver from the dropdown list.

V14 - Send ePop Message - form

Send ePop Message form

3.Write the message then click V9 - Send - green.


When the user that is assigned to receive the message logs onto the application, an ePop Alert will be displayed with the message. A V9 - Remply option is available.


V12 - Send ePop Message - receive message

ePop Alert form

See also:

Send E-mail

Send Text Message

Dial Phone