First tab handles the Case Entry options. To be able to set up all data please make sure you already have:
•at least two statuses in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Case Statuses
•one or more Laboratories in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories
Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Case Options > Case Entry tab
Case Options - Case Entry - General tab Available options:
➢Default Status on Case Entry to - allows you to select a Status from the drop down list which will be the default status for all cases that will be created. If you do not have any statuses in the list please add some by going to: File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Status menu. ➢All cases are produced in a Production Laboratory. You need to set up a Default Production Lab that will be displayed when the case is created. Select a laboratory from the drop down list. If you have no lab in the list add them first in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories ➢Preferred Tooth Chart System - will allow you to specify a default tooth chart for your Lab by selecting either USA - Universal or FDI - World Dental Federation format. The FDI is also known as Federation Dental International. ➢When entering New Cases, Automatically print: •Workorder - if checked then workorder will be printed automatically each time a new case is saved. •Alternate Workorder - if checked then alternate workorder will be printed automatically each time a new case is saved. •Case Label - if checked then Case Labels will be printed automatically each time a new case is saved. Also if you select this option then you will have the possibility to enter how many Labels you want to print in Number of Labels to Print field. •Local Shipping Label - if checked then alternate Local Shipping Label will be printed automatically each time a new case is saved. •Customer & Case Alerts on the Work Order - if checked the alerts will be printed on the WorkOrder ➢Alert User about Cancelled, On Hold or Sent for Tryin Cases - select when do you need an alert to pop up: •Alert on New Case Only •Alert after entering Patient Name •Ignore Cancelled Cases •Ignore Case On Hold •Ignore Cases sent for TrIn ➢Invoicing Lab is determined by operator - if checked then the Invoicing lab may be selected during invoicing. ➢Restrict Invoicing Labs to User's own Labs - if checked then the user will be restricted to its own labs. ➢Incoming Shipments: •Display and select Highlighted Practice Doctor - With this option checked, users will be able to save a case from Incoming Shipments and select a practice doctor that is highlighted from the practice doctor section or select the main doctor. •Find Doctor by Incoming Tracking Number, then Customer ID - If enabled, users can scan the incoming tracking number to find the customer. The system will attempt to find the customer by Tracking Number. If failed, it searches by Customer ID. If the customer is found by tracking number, the tracking # field is auto-populated and the Customer ID is displayed in the search box. The Incoming Shipments search button displays TN & CustomerID when option is enabled, or Customer ID when disabled.
Click Apply on settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or OK to save and close the Settings form. |
Case Options - Case Entry - General tab Available options: When: ➢Saving a new Case with CARRIER Shipment, automatically add Shipping Product(s) - when checked, if the newly created case has carrier shipment set then all shipping products from the product list will be added to the case . ➢Saving a new Case with LOCAL Shipment, automatically add Shipping Product(s) - when checked, if the newly created case has local shipment set then all shipping products from the product list will be added to the case . ➢Displaying Teeth on Cases, Sort and Eliminate duplicate. Also eliminate Teeth on Products - if selected then teeth numbers will be checked for duplicates on save. ➢After a case is created you have the option to Save and Close or to Save and New which will open a new Case entry form. If Creating new case keep same Customer ID on "Save & New" is checked the new case that will be opened will have the same customer id as the previous one, so there is no need to select the customer again, unless you want to create a case for a different customer. ➢ Printing WorkOrder, also print selected Product Preference Image - if checked then product preference image will be printed on workorder ➢Adding Attachment, Combine Images into one file - PDF File will be generated ➢Adding Attachment, Share with Customer by Default - if checked the attachment is automatically shared when added.
Use: ➢Current Address when Remaking Cases - if selected then current Address will be used when remaking case. ➢Current Preferences when Remaking Cases - if selected then current preferences will be used when remaking case. ➢Current Prices when Remaking Cases - if selected then current prices will be used when remaking case.
Misc: ➢Scan Case Document after new Case is Entered - if checked, will prompt the user to feed the Rx and any other case relevant documents to be scanned during the case entry and attach them to the case for further retrieval. ➢Automatically Add Time Stamp to WO Notes - if selected then times stamp will be added automatically to workorder notes ➢Always set payrate to zero when completing Tasks on Remake Cases ➢Send Alert to Customer when CustomerID is changed ( Similar to New Case if Enabled) -if checked then an alert will be sent ti customer when customer id is changed ➢Display Warranty Info when Remaking Cases - this option is off be default. ➢Disable "Do Not Schedule" Option - This will disable the "Do Not Schedule" checkbox in the Case > "After Saving the Case:" menu. Click Apply on settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or OK to save and close the Settings form. |
Case Options - Case Entry - Case Validation tab
Available options:
➢Allow Entering Case when Customer is: - The user has the possibility to restrict the case creation and case invoicing for certain customers. Customers that have gone over their credit limit or are on credit hold cannot enter or invoice cases unless the following options are checked: •Over their Credit Limit - allows customers that are over their credit limit to create cases •On Credit hold - allows customers that are on credit hold to create cases ➢Do Not allow Saving Cases if these fields are Blank - when creating a new case you can force the user to enter data in some fields. If one of the following fields are checked then these become mandatory on case creation and case cannot be saved unless these fields get populated: •RX Number •Pan Number •Shade •Patient Last Name •Enclosures •Products Please Note: You can check as many fields as you wish to be mandatory, or you can leave them unchecked and allow that cases get saved without entering this information. Following options are for restricting saving, editing in special cases: ➢Require Reason when •Discount is applied - if checked will force the user to enter a Reason for any discount that will be applied. •Remake is applied - if checked will force the user to enter a Reason when Remake is set. •Due Date is changed - if checked will force the user to enter a Reason when due date is changed. Not applicable on case entry. •Cases are rescheduled - if checked will force the user to enter a Reason when case is rescheduled. Not applicable on case entry. ➢Do not Allow Saving the Case if: - selected options from the following list will apply when saving cases. Cases will not saved if the selected options are not met •Due Date and Ship Date conflict •Pan Number is already used •Ship Date is on a Holiday or Weekend •Due Date is on a Holiday or Weekend •Date In is more than ..... Day(s) in the future ➢Other Validations: •Allow changing the Case Status - will allow any user to manually change the case status to any existing value. If this option is not checked then the case status will be automatically set to the default statuses for each operation. This option is turned on by default. •Display warning if Preselected Team is blank - When this option is activated in addition to the new option under the Load Schedule tab for using a preselected team on cases, a warning will populate to inform the user that the preselected team is blank and if intended, a team should be selected. •Do not allow Entering, Editing or Invoicing Case on Holidays and Weekends - if checked then cases cannot be entered or updated during weekends and Holidays. •Allow adding Credit to the Case (When Invoiced, Credit Memo will be created) - When this option is enabled, the following will be available on cases: oOn case entry and edit, there will be an extension of the form directly underneath the case products information outlined for Add Credit Memo for this Case. Users must right-click in this area and select the option to Add Credit. oAn additional form will populate allowing the users to search for and select a product which will be added on the credit memo that will automatically get created when the case is invoiced. Users will select the quantity and unit price to apply for the credit memo. oWhen Case is invoiced, the credit memo will be created automatically with the products and will also automatically apply to the balance of the invoiced case. oThe Products sub-tab on the Case Finder and Customer forms will display any credit memo created for the case using this option. Please note, this section is view only and modifications can only be made on case edit. oThe standard invoice form has been enhanced to show this credit when it has been created automatically by the system as well. Please Note: When adding a product for a Credit Memo, the total Credit may not exceed the total charge of the case. Users will receive an error message only when invoicing the case if the credit exceeds the total charge. This is by design and the user is not notified prior to invoicing the case because it is possible for the total charge of the case to change before the case is finalized and invoiced. •Perform Case Pre-Process Custom Validation - Do NOT enable unless instructed by MTSI
Click Apply on settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or OK to save and close the Settings form. |
Case Options - Case Entry - Case Dates tab Available options: ➢Set default ship date in: Default Ship Date to.. days in advance field. ➢Automatically retrieve Carrier Estimated Delivery Date- With this option activated, on initial case entry or when a case Ship Date is changed, the estimate delivery date directly from the Carrier will display in the Est. Delivery Date field on the 3. tab for Shipping. When validating the Ship Date/Due Date, the estimated delivery date is used to determine if the estimated delivery date meets the due date Please Note: This option is supported only for UPS and FedEx in the US, and Purolator in Canada. ➢ On New Case Calculate Ship Date based on Carrier Transit Days - When this option is checked, the ship date will calculate according to the properties set on the service type selected. ➢ When Due Date is changed, Always Calculate Ship Date from Due Date & Carrier Transit Days - If calculate ship date based on schedule is enabled, the ship date will be re-calculated regardless of the above settings and Ship Date will change. The properties on the service type are: •Default Ship Days •Exclude Weekends and Holidays Please note: If the option in the Case Scheduling tab of the Global Settings for, Calculate Ship Date based on Tasks is enabled, the ship date will change regardless of this setting. ➢Set Ship Date Cutoff Time for Carrier Shipping and for Local Delivery ➢For Local Routes require ... Days for delivery - This is used to determine if there is a due date/ship date conflict. We currently require 0 days for local and 1 day for Carrier. ➢Automatically Calculate Due Date from Ship Date when left blank ➢If you want to calculate the Due Date check Calculate Due Date based on Custom Calendar, otherwise enter the default due date in Default Due Date to .... days in advance ➢Set Default Ship Time and Default Due Time ➢When creating new case keep same Date In on "Save & New" ➢When Accepting Submitted Cases you can •Update Date with Current Date - this option is disabled by default but you can set it by checking the checkbox. •Recalculate the Due Date - this option is disabled by default but you can set it by checking the checkbox ➢Do not allow saving the case if the customer office hours is not available - if checked the cases cannot be saved unless customer office hours are entered..
Click Apply on settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or OK to save and close the Settings form. |
See also: