Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Release All Software Locks for User

Release All Software Locks for User

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Release All Software Locks for User

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As an Administrator you can unlock several records such as Calls, Cases, Payments or Shipments.  When opening a Call, Customer, or Case, if the record is locked, the user have an option to send an ePop to request unlocking the record.


Navigation:   Administrator > Release All Software Locks for User

V12 - Release software Lock - navigation

Release All Software Locks for User navigation

Following form will open:

V12 - Release software Lock - form

Release All Software Locks for User form

Please Note: To reduce the chance of data loss, always ask the user to log out and log back in to DLCPM. If this is not possible, you may proceed to drop all locks for the user.


1.Select a User in Drop All Locks for User field.

2.Check " I acknowledge that the "Drop All Locks for User" option will  SHUTDOWN the user's active sessions and all unsaved work will be lost permanently."

3.Click on V9 - Drop Locks.

4.Confirm following message: "Are you sure you want to drop All locks user:....."  if you wish to continue.

5.Locks are dropped.

See also:
