Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Navigation: In a browser, navigate to the portal with the link provided by your lab.

Registration - navigation

Welcome to Magic Touch Dental

To Register:

1.In the navigation bar, select Not a member which will lead you to the following screen:

Registration - form

Registration options

2.Select the option for I’m already a customer. Register for Portal access.

3.The registration account window will open up requesting the following values:

Account # - you may type either the Account Number or the Customer Id. These two fields are printed on your invoices and statements.

Account email

Account office phone - Office Phone is required only if you have one already set up for your Customer account. Otherwise leave blank.

Last payment amount


Password - Password must be at least 6 characters minimum in length. Please note, it is important to create a strong, unique password.

Retype Password

Verification image code

Registration - form2

Registration form

4.When all fields are successfully entered, click Register

5.Now you may go to Login page.


See also:

Customer Portal

Registration and Login