Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Make a payment

Make a payment

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Make a payment

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Navigation: Main > Accounting > Make Payment

Make a payment - navigation

Make Payment navigation

Following form displays:

Make a payment - form

Make Payment form

To make a payment:

1.Following navigation path open Make Payment form.

2.Select what to pay:

Pay total balance

Pay balance due now

Pay past due balances

Pay a specific amount

Pay specific invoices

3. Enter payment notes.

4.Payments can be processed by

Credit Card payments

eCheck Payments

5.Additionally, you can opt to save Credit Card/eCheck information on file to use for future transactions.

6.To process a payment:

Select payment type (eCheck or Credit Card)

Enter payment information

Enter Billing Name & Address

Select Payment type (Selected, Total balance, or a specific amount)

If you choose “Pay Selected Invoices”, ensure that you check the box next to each invoice that you wish to pay.

Process payment.


See also:

Customer Portal
