Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

DDX Integration

DDX Integration

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DDX Integration

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What is DDX Link?

DDX Link is an automated service to receive cases from the DDX Dental system.  

How does DDX work?  

You would need to register with DDX as a Lab. Once registered, your customers will be able to see your lab name when creating a case in their practice management software. Since you are using DLCPM, your lab will be linked to DDX and DLCPM's automated service will automatically receive and add the cases to the database automatically.


What will be exchanged between DLCPM and DDX?

When a Case is created by the Doctor, it is automatically added to DLCPM as a Submitted case, similarly like the cases that are received from the Doctor Customer Web Portal.

Based on preferences specified, DLCPM will send the default Due Date to DDX and will also be visible to the customer.

Once the case has been accepted, if the Due Date is changed, DLCPM will optionally send the new date to the customer. How to accept a case.

If notes are entered in DLCPM, it is optionally transferred to the customer using the “Share with Customer" checkbox option.

Once the case is invoiced, the Invoice Date, Shipment Date, and Tracking Number are optionally transferred to the customer.


Data transfer is based on the preferences and the option may be turned off for no feedback to the customer

DDX integration works with the Customer Portal and labs must be subscribed to Customer Portal to take advantage of this service.

DDX integration is free and a part of DLCPM. All customers with priority support will automatically receive the update at no charge.


Setting up DDX Integration - Please see here all the details.