
Customer portal tab is the last tab on Product form. It is available to enter different options for the web applications.


Navigation: Administrator > Settings  or   V11 - Settingson Home Page then Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products > Select product > Customer portal tab

V11 - PT - Customer portal tab

Products form - Customer portal tab tab        

To set Portal Options for a product:

Display on the web - if checked this product will be available when submitting a case over the web.

Case Submission Required Days - this field is used to determine the requested return date in Customer Portal.

Display this Product for - display the product for All Customers, Lab Customers, or Doctors. Previously, customer portal displayed all the products for the customers unless the customer was assigned to a specific Web Catalog defined under the Customer Settings. With this option, the Web Catalog is still enforced but additionally, a product can be hidden or displayed based on the customer.

Web Products by Lab - In a multi-Lab environment, you may now identify which product is displayed on the Web for a given Lab. By simply checking the box for each lab, you can provide access to it.

Web Description  - text can be entered here

See also:

Products for more options